BizSAFE is a five-step program to help SMEs develop their WSH capacities with a specific end goal to accomplish quantum changes in safety and health at the workplace. To start a bizSAFE journey, your CEOs / top management need to attend bizSAFE Level 1 class to have an in-depth understanding of bizSAFE.
BizSafe level 1 course Provide comprehension of the Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA), its legal requirements, and the methods and way of writing a safety and health policy. This enables CEO / top management to comprehend the part they play towards developing great safety culture at their work environment.
Pre-essential for Bizsafe level 1 is that candidates must be an organization proprietor, Director, CEO/Top administration, and one who has the duties to complete wellbeing strategy in the organization if they are not office bearers in ACRA record.
After completion of the Bizsafe level 1 course, a bizSAFE Level 1 Certificate will be issued to attendees. The endorsement can be utilized to apply bizSAFE accreditation for an association.