bizSAFE is a five-step programme that assists companies to build up their WSH capabilities so that they can achieve quantum improvements in safety and health standards at the workplace. It applies to all types of businesses, trades and industries. In order to ensure a business is productive and profitable, a safe and healthy work environment has to be in place.
Companies that take the initiative to implement an effective health and safety management system will result in reducing potential injuries and illnesses. The possible costs incurred for these issues including workers’ compensation pay-out, medical expenses and also loss in productivity are considered as high premium. Implementing an effective health and safety management system will eventually help companies achieve cost saving and increase productivity.
Benefits of bizSTAR
- Increase your business competitive edge.
- Gain better recognition by bizSAFE partners & industry.
- Create a safer and healthier work environment for all employees.
- Cost saving & improve productivity.
- Strengthen corporate branding by applying the bizSAFE logo on your name ard, letterhead and other collaterals.