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Business Excellence

What is Business Excellence (BE)?

Business Excellence (BE) is a journey of continuous improvement, strengthening business fundamentals using best practices to achieve superior and sustainable performance in an organization.

What is the BE Initiative?

The BE initiative driven by Enterprise Singapore is a program that aims to help organisations enhance their management systems and processes to drive productivity and growth. It is based on a robust BE Framework, which is a globally benchmarked developmental tool, aligned to international excellence frameworks adopted for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Excellence Award, Japan Quality Award and the Australian Organisational Excellence Awards.

The Business Excellence Framework

The BE framework underpins the BE initiative driven by Enterprise Singapore. The framework illustrates the cause and effect relationships between the drivers of performance and the results achieved. Sound approaches and effective deployment will enable organizations to know where they are on the excellence journey and what they need to do to improve their performance.

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In the framework, there are seven categories used to assess an organisation. Leadership sets the strategic direction for the organisation and drives the mindset of excellence. Customers are positioned after leadership to demonstrate the focus on customer-centricity. Strategy is developed based on understanding internal and external stakeholder requirements, which guides the development of People and Process capabilities to achieve desired Results. Knowledge is part of the feedback loop of Learning and Innovation, which supports decision-making and drives improvements.

The BE accreditations

The BE journey provides a roadmap of excellence where organisations are accreditated through BE certifications and recognised for their superior performance through BE Awards. For  BE certifications companies pursue the holistic standard of the Singapore Quality Class (SQC).  There are also three niche SQC standards— People, Innovation and Service. Organisations demonstrating outstanding performance are conferred Singapore Quality Class Awards (SQA) as BE Awards.

How does BE initiative benefit my organisation?

The BE initiative has been beneficial for organisations.  In a speech by Minister Mr S Iswaran, he mentioned that a study conducted by NUS in 2014 on the impact of the BE Initiative on Organisational Performance and Productivity showed that SQA- and SQC-certified enterprises collectively performed significantly better than their peers.  From 2008 to 2012, the profit of these organisations grew at an average of 14% per annum, double that of their peers.  In particular, those that had been on the BE journey for five to ten years did even better, achieving 7.5% per annum revenue growth compared to an industry average of 5%, and a remarkable 25.5% per annum profit growth against an industry average of 6%.

By embarking on the BE journey, organisations gain by understanding their  business health, benchmark against best practices, improve their performance to grow and stay competitive:

More than 2000 organisations in Singapore have benefited from the BE initiative. Beside strengthening business fundamentals, these organisations have earned the SQC certifications that serve as a  mark of excellence and gained recognition both locally and internationally.

Click on the below links to read testimonies of organisations who have benefited from their BE journey:

  1. Testimonies of Organisations who have obtained Singapore Quality Class certifications
  2. Testimonies of Organisations who have obtained Singapore Quality Class STAR certifications

How to get started on the Business Excellence (BE) Journey?

The BE initiative is now known as Business Strategy Development and is supported by the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) that funds up to 70% of the cost. To embark on the BE journey, the first step for your organisation is to engage us.

Why choose us?

We are a leading management consulting firm in Singapore, specialising in helping firms improve their productivity and profitability through excellence in their business operations. Our integrated and practical approach have benefited more than 1,000 companies, helping them achieve tangible results in business excellence. Our exposure to numerous companies and industries enable us to identify the “best practices” which can bring tremendous value to our clients.

Interested to know more about achieving BE through the Business Strategy Development programme under Enterprise Singapore? Call us today at 6812 0999 or visit here for more information.

Alternatively, you may click on the button below to schedule a free consultation.

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