
How companies stay ahead of competition with Business Excellence in today's market
Up to 70% funding for SMEs!

If you are managing a business, what’s keeping you awake?

Does this sounds familiar to you:

Cash Flow Management Problems

Hiring and Retaining Talents

Dealing with Customer Complains

Staying Up to Date

Promoting their business

Rising Cost and Competition

Promoting Ideas and Commercial Assets

Time Management

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Business Excellence is the solution to your business!

Let us introduce to you the Business Excellence initiative..

The Business Excellence (BE) initiative is a journey of continuous improvement, driven by Enterprise Singapore to help organisations strengthen business fundamentals using best practices to achieve superior and sustainable performance. Up to 70% funding is available for local SMEs.

How can companies benefit from BE?

By embarking on the BE journey, companies will be able to :

Get accredited with the Singapore Quality Class and Awards

Create new value for the company

Build high performance organization culture and retain talents

Establish effective and efficient Business systems and processes

Deliver highly valued services to customers faster, cheaper & better

Reduce cost across the company

For detail description on BE and its benefits

How to get started with Business Excellence?

Step 1

Sign-up with ASC and we will assist in the grant application

Step 2

Our consultants will assist the company to apply the BE framework on their business operations

Step 3

Assessment by ESG and Certification

Who is
Advanced Safety & Consultancy?

Advanced Safety & Consultancy is a leading management consulting firm in Singapore, specialising in helping firms improve their productivity and profitability through excellence in their business operations. Our integrated and practical approach have benefited more than 1,000 companies, helping them achieve tangible results in business excellence. Our exposure to numerous companies and industries enable us to identify the “best practices” which can bring tremendous value to our clients.

Why choose
Advanced Safety & Consultancy?

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