Christmas in Singapore is a time of celebration. Regardless of our race or religion, it is a time of giving, exchanging gifts, family and friends get together for parties, enjoying great food and lots of shopping. While residents in Singapore are generally affluent, there are about 11% households without a working person to support the family. Hence, amidst all the Christmas fun, Advanced Safety & Consultancy (ASC) remembers the less privileged and lower income families.
On 20 Dec 2019, ASC was at the Kebun Baru Bestari Residents Committee to celebrate Christmas with the children of these lower income families. We want to bring the joy of Christmas to them, we want the young children in these families to experience love and the spirit of giving.
Seeing how much the children enjoyed themselves, we felt we have received more than we could give. It was a time well spent, it was a great Christmas gift for us.